Part 3: Websites for the 21st Century

Knowing how you want to represent yourself online can be a big decision! More so, because designing for the 21st century has gotten more complicated and involved then just making one design. Let’s take a look..
Part 2: Let’s Talk Project Quotes

From potential clients, friends, and organizations it’s not uncommon for us to hear horror stories of budget discussions with relation to web projects and service providers. This guide helps to guide the process of determining your needs, wants, and ensuring you get what you need!
How to Create Web Content that will Generate Buzz

Are you always finding it challenging to create interesting content to post on your website? Do you feel that this is not worth the effort that you are making? Are you not maintaining the number of site visits regularly? As smaller business, we are not only faced with the challenges of retaining our clients but […]
Installing ApacheSolr on Ubuntu

You aren’t alone I had to scower the internet and read several articles before I truly understand all of this. If you are using Debian/Ubuntu (with Tomcat7) it’s even easier then most outline. I preferred this over Lullabot since when you install it through Ubuntu it’s actually a service and less fiddling