Part 1: Comparing WordPress vs Drupal vs Joomla

It is essential when building a new website that it meets all your needs while not being overly complex or intimidating to use. Being able to update content easily without having to call up your local web developer can help save money and ensure that you feel empowered with the product that you purchased.
Let’s Encrypt free certificate authority

If you haven’t already heard you should! Let’s Encrypt is building a new open, transparent, and completely free certificate authority service. This new service is completely backed by some major players such as the Linux Foundation, Cisco, and more. If you think that this doesn’t effect you it could actually save you a great deal!
Installing ApacheSolr on Ubuntu

You aren’t alone I had to scower the internet and read several articles before I truly understand all of this. If you are using Debian/Ubuntu (with Tomcat7) it’s even easier then most outline. I preferred this over Lullabot since when you install it through Ubuntu it’s actually a service and less fiddling